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Cost per hire best practices: reducing recruitment costs - Emptor

Learn what cost per hire is and why it matters in talent acquisition. Discover how to calculate and reduce your recruitment costs to optimize

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Understanding Cost Per Hire

Cost per hire is a key recruitment metric that measures the cost of filling a job vacancy. It takes into account all the expenses incurred in the recruitment process, such as advertising, interviewing, assessment, and onboarding costs. Calculating this metric is essential to help companies understand the effectiveness of their recruitment strategies and identify areas for improvement. By analyzing this metric, companies can assess the cost-effectiveness of their recruitment processes and make data-driven decisions to optimize their hiring efforts.

Calculating Cost Per Hire

The formula for calculating cost per hire is:

Cost of all recruitment activities / Total number of hires

The cost of all recruitment activities includes all expenses associated with the recruitment process, such as job advertising, applicant tracking systems, assessments, and interviews. The total number of hires is the number of new employees who were hired during a given period.

It’s important to note that cost per hire can vary depending on the role, industry, and location. For example, filling a high-level executive role may cost significantly more than filling an entry-level position. It’s also worth considering the cost of living and regional differences in recruitment costs when comparing across different regions.

Reducing Cost Per Hire

Reducing cost per hire is an essential part of optimizing your recruitment process. Here are some strategies that can help you reduce your cost per hire:

  • Improve your employer brand: Having a strong employer brand can help attract more qualified candidates and reduce recruitment costs. By building a positive reputation and a strong online presence, you can attract top talent and reduce the need for expensive recruitment campaigns.

  • Streamline your recruitment process: A long and inefficient recruitment process can increase recruitment costs and lead to lost productivity. Streamlining your recruitment process, such as using applicant tracking systems, can help reduce recruitment costs and improve the candidate experience.

  • Use employee referrals: Employee referrals can be a cost-effective way to recruit top talent. By incentivizing your employees to refer qualified candidates, you can reduce recruitment costs and improve the quality of your hires.

  • Leverage social media: Social media platforms can be a powerful tool for recruitment. By promoting job vacancies on social media and building a strong online presence, you can reach a wider pool of candidates and reduce recruitment costs.

  • Partner with recruitment agencies: Partnering with recruitment agencies can be a cost-effective way to fill open positions. Recruitment agencies have a pool of qualified candidates and can help reduce the time and resources needed to fill open positions.

By implementing these strategies, you can reduce and optimize your recruitment process. It’s important to continuously track and analyze to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize your recruitment process.

Best Practices

To optimize your recruitment process and reduce your cost per hire, here are some best practices to follow:

  • Set realistic recruitment budgets: Setting realistic recruitment budgets can help you manage your recruitment costs and reduce them. This involves understanding the costs associated with different recruitment strategies and allocating budgets accordingly.

  • Track and analyze: Tracking and analyzing metrics is essential to optimize your recruitment process. By regularly analyzing this metric, you can detect areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize your recruitment efforts.

  • Standardize your recruitment process: Standardizing your recruitment process can help reduce recruitment costs and improve the candidate experience. This involves creating a standardized process for screening, interviewing, and onboarding candidates.

  • Focus on quality of hires: Focusing on the quality of your hires can help reduce the need for frequent recruitment campaigns and reduce your cost per hire in the long term. This involves prioritizing factors such as skills, experience, and cultural fit when evaluating candidates.

  • Use data to inform recruitment decisions: Data can help you make more informed recruitment decisions and optimize your recruitment process. By following up on metrics such as time to hire, cost per hire, and candidate conversion rates, you can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize your recruitment process.

With these best practices, you can optimize your recruitment process, reduce your cost per hire, and improve the quality of your hires. It’s important to continuously evaluate and adjust your recruitment strategies to ensure that they align with your goals and are cost-effective.


Benchmarking your cost per hire can help you compare your recruitment costs to industry standards and identify areas for improvement. Here are some cost per hire benchmarks to consider:

  • Industry benchmarks: Industry benchmarks can provide a standard for your recruitment costs based on your industry and company size. This information can be found in industry reports and surveys, such as the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Human Capital Benchmarking Report.

  • Geographical benchmarks: Recruitment costs can vary based on geography. Benchmarking your recruitment costs against other companies in your region can help you understand the local market and identify areas for improvement.

  • Internal benchmarks: Comparing your cost per hire to your company’s historical data can help you identify trends and areas for improvement. This can help you identify areas where you have been successful and areas where you may need to improve your recruitment process.

  • Competitor benchmarks: Benchmarking your recruitment costs against your competitors can help you understand the competitiveness of your recruitment process and identify areas for improvement. This information can be found through publicly available data and industry reports.

By comparing your cost per hire to industry benchmarks, you can identify areas where you can improve your recruitment process and reduce your recruitment costs.

Cost per Hire vs. Quality of Hire

While cost per hire is an important metric for optimizing your recruitment process, it’s important to also consider the quality of your hires. Here are some key differences between cost per hire and quality of hire:

  • Cost per hire: Cost per hire measures the cost associated with filling open positions. This includes expenses such as job advertising, recruitment software, and recruitment agency fees.

  • Quality of hire: Quality of hire measures the effectiveness of your recruitment process in terms of the quality of your hires. This includes factors such as employee performance, retention rates, and cultural fit.

  • Balancing cost and quality: While reducing recruitment costs is important, it’s also important to balance this with the quality of your hires. Prioritizing cost reduction at the expense of quality can result in poor hires and ultimately cost your organization more in the long run.

  • Measuring success: To effectively measure the success of your recruitment process, it’s important to consider both cost per hire and quality of hire. This involves tracking metrics such as time to hire, cost per hire, employee performance, and retention rates.

By balancing cost per hire with quality of hire, you can optimize your recruitment process to ensure that you are both cost-effective and making quality hires. It’s important to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your recruitment process and optimize your recruitment efforts.

Best Practices: Background Checks

Emptor helps you carry out background checks and identity validation on your candidates to ensure that you are working with people you can trust. Before the hiring process, we invite you to review and validate the identity of your potential candidates and streamline your hiring process with an intuitive dashboard.

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